Business and Publicity

(Sorted by title)

101 Ways to Make Magic Pay
by Tommy Windsor & B. W. McCarron

A side hustle goldmine! Revised, enlarged and updated handbook for earning extra money from magic. More...

Behind the Scenes with the Night Club Magician
by Elray

Break into the world of table-hopping, banquet, restaurant and casino floor show magic with this insider's handbook. More...

Booking Magic
By Dick and Virginia Williams

Can you keep your act booked the whole year round without the expense of hiring an agent? The answer, according to these working pros, is a resounding yes! More...

Emergency Full Evening Show
by Joseph Elon Kemp

Imagine that an airline has lost your luggage, your props, and even your wallet ... yet you have a theater show to give in just a few days. What would you do? More...

ESP: Fact or Fiction Lecture
by David Robbins

Cash in on public interest in ESP and mind power with this entertaining 15-minute lecture and 30-minute demonstration that YOU can give! More...

Evidence of Deception
by William W. Larsen

Make extra income by presenting this entertaining, 40-60 minute lecture-demonstration on the topic of paying attention to avoid getting taken in by scams, cons and crooked politicians. More...

The Final Houdini Seance
by William W. Larsen

A captivating 45- to 60-minute lecture-demonstration (that you can give) about Harry and Bess Houdini's pact to find a means of communicating with each after Harry's death. More...

Finding Your Destiny With Numerology Pitch Book
by Magic World Publishers

Make money and become an instant author, with full reprint rights for print copies of this book with YOUR NAME AS AUTHOR. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you! More...

Forbidden Wisdom
by Howard P. Albright

Albright reveals a variety of pseudo-fortune telling methods for magicians and psychic entertainers to delight their after-party clients with. More...

by Ed Stoddard

A mental miracle that leaves the spectator with your calling card as a keepsake at the finish. More...

Fortune Telling with Cards Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for print copies of the "Secrets of the Zingari" book on fortune telling with cards. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want ... More...

The Ghost Show Operator's Manual
by Robert A. Nelson

The hard-to-find final book of Nelson's ghost show trilogy -- now available once again and better than ever! More...

The Gyp Artist
by William W. Larsen, Sr.

Now you can present an entertaining, informative lecture on the topic of scams, cons and swindles. It's a proven money-maker! More...

The Horoscope Pitch
by Robert A. Nelson

Add extra income to your existing act by introducing horoscope sales, pitch books, and other merchandise that can double your bottom line! More...

How to Book Your Act
by Keith Parr & B. W. McCarron

The authors, who've combined to give magic and mentalism performances in 30 states and Canada, reveal inside secrets that booking agents and working professionals don't want you to know! More...

How to Book Your Attraction
by Robert A. Nelson

This book will show you, as a clever hypnotist, where and how you can book your show and work every day of the year! There's plenty of work for you, if you know the insider secrets of booking your act in hotels, casinos, cruise ships ... More...

How to M.C. (And Put A Show Together)
By Jimmy Muir & B. W. McCarron

Whether it's for a talent show, a two-hour evening show, or a variety telethon in front of a TV audience, being the Master of Ceremonies can be a fun and rewarding experience. Now you, too, can "emcee" for fun or profit! More...

How To Make Money with a Magic Show
by Alfred W. Ellis

Take your act on the road! This informative handbook provides expert, proven advice for booking and presenting a financially successful one-person traveling theater or school assembly magic show. More...

How To Make Money with Hypnotism
by Harry Arons

Learn how to make a career from your interest in hypnotism in this fascinating book, written by a master hypnotist. More...

How to Routine a Magic Show
by William W. Larsen

Put your tricks to work by building them into an act that will help put your magic hobby on a self-supporting basis. More...

I'm Not Afraid
by Mackenzie Gant & B. W. McCarron

If you suffer from performance anxiety or stage fright (and Kellar, Thurston, Houdini, and many prominent present-day performers have had to deal with it, too), this could be the best purchase you'll ever make. More...

I've Got Your Number
by Paul Lindner

An exciting master memory, mental, or publicity stunt that leaves a lasting impression on the spectator. More...

The Krahma System
by B. W. McCarron

Unlike most other fortune telling systems with playing cards, readings using this system are quick and snappy. The card layout is streamlined, yet the subject will be satisfied she received her money's worth since the outcome of the reading is dependent on her feelings and conscience. The reader will like it, too, since ... More...

Magic Miracles You Can Do Pitch Book Publishing Kit
by Magic World Publishers

Here's a beautiful, camera-ready 24-page master of easy-to-do, entertaining magic stunts for you to sell at your performances and on your website, with YOUR NAME on the front cover as author! More...

Mail Mentalism
by Eddie Joseph

A card magic miracle designed to get you more bookings. Revised edition now includes a second long-distance effect. More...

Making Mindreading Pay
by Robert A. Nelson

Learn the inner secrets of how to make a living as a mentalist or psychic entertainer. More...

Manual of Publicity and Exploitation
by Robert A. Nelson

Learn how to get free front page publicity — effective newspaper and magazine tie-ups — question and answer columns — merchant tie-ins — radio and TV guest appearances — and more publicity and exploitation stunts that mean more and better bookings at higher fees. More...

Mar-Jah's Publicity Miracles
by Joe Ovette

WARNING: This book will get you noticed. If you want to live in anonymity and obscurity, this is NOT the book for you.

This book is crammed of publicity-generating mentalism, magic and illusions to present to reporters and the general public to generate attention, publicity, and create a "buzz." Includes contributions from Mar-Jah, Ovette, Chandra, the Zancigs, B.W. McCarron and more...

Midway Magic
by Don Boles

The definitive "How-To" book for anyone considering a career as a magician, mentalist, or specialty act in the outdoor field of fairs, sideshows, circuses and carnivals. More...

Money-Making Secrets for Magicians
by U. F. Grant

A valuable collection of inside information for magicians and other variety artists, revealing how to get more money from your existing act and even make a living from it. More...

Nelmar's Inside Secrets
by Anthony Nelmar Albino

A pro stage performer opens his vault of treasured miracles, revealing his favorite magic and psychic effects, plus secrets to get your act booked! More...

Palm Reading for Magicians
by William W. Larsen

This psychological reading allows most anyone to present a convincing demonstration of Palmistry, even if they've never read palms before. More...

The Pitchman's Svengali Routine
By Eddie St. John

Make money at magic shows, fairs, carnivals, or simply entertain your audience with this scripted, easy to perform routine. More...

The Practical Psychic's 5-Minute Card Reading System
by Howard P. Albright

Add a second income stream by giving fortune-telling readings for your clients after the show. We know of no easier way than to use the quick system explained in this handbook. More...

Presto Press Book
by Tommy Windsor

The smart magician's guide to advertising and promotion, with over a hundred ways to advertise and get more dates! More...

The Real Secret of Ventriloquism
By Harold Sterling & T. A. Whitney

Become a ventriloquist for fun or profit, using the secrets revealed in this easy-to-understand booklet. More...

Sir Edwards' $100 Horoscope Demonstration Sales Plan
by Robert A. Nelson & Sir Edwards

One of the rarest of offerings from the Nelson Enterprises catalog is this horoscope pitch act that sold for the equivalent of $1600 when first introduced. More...

Street Faker Act
by Tommy Windsor

Here's a great change of pace routine for the magician -- an act that parodies the medicine pitchman. Audiences love it . . . you will, too! More...

Suitcase Side Show
by Tommy Windsor

Here's an immensely entertaining CARNIVAL PITCH ACT that uses effects you most likely already own. Yes, a NEW act, complete with patter, that will get you more bookings! More...

Supermarket Magic
by Tommy Windsor

Make big money performing at stores, malls and shopping centers with a one-man magic show! More...

TV, Radio and Nightclub Mindreading
By Wm. W. Larsen, Sr. & Ormond McGill

Here's a great book for mentalists and psychic entertainers about performing and getting gigs on TV and radio and in nightclubs and casino lounges.. More...

Your Break in Show Business
by Show Talent Enterprises

Veteran performers of stage and TV reveal all in this must-have guide book for anyone who wants to enter the exciting world of entertainment. Whether aspire to play night clubs, large theaters, Las Vegas, TV or appear in films ... More...

Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers

Sell this pitch book and give private horoscope readings to clients after your performances to double your performance income! It's all included in this easy-to-use system! More...

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