Magic World Publishers

All Books by Title: 0-9

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6 Lessons in Crystal Gazing
by Robert A. Nelson (writing as Dr. Korda RaMayne)

One of the most complete books ever written on the art of crystal gazing (scrying). Learn how to develop this wonderful ability in your home. Written by master mentalist Korda RaMayne (Robert A. Nelson). More...

Six Modern Levitations
by U. F. Grant

Here are both the original and modern interpretations of six more Nelson Enterprises treasures: a spectator reads YOUR mind, a trio of psychic tests, So you want to float a lady? Or, for spook shows, a ghost, goblin or witch? Now, here's your chance! More...

10 Card Feats
by Jean Hugard

Hugard's first manuscript released to the magical fraternity, originally hand-typed and sold only through him. It actually contains a dozen miracles, moves and subtleties presented with a standard deck. More...

10 Magical After Dinner Stunts
by Harlan Tarbell

Here are ten fun-to-perform mysteries from arguably the best magical artist and instructor on the planet. Easy enough for the beginner, the varied routines will entertain any audience, regardless of the performer's skill level. more...

Thayer's 12 Illusionettes
by William W. Larsen

Twelve effective illusionettes you can build yourself to add flash and color to your act. More...

12 Tricks With A Borrowed Deck
by Martin Gardner

Here are a dozen quality card magic effects that can be performed with an unprepared deck at a moment's notice. Most of these miracles rely on just one or two sleights. Crisp illustrations by Dr. Harlan Tarbell. The Sphinx raved about this work, calling it a collection of "twelve excellent tricks." more...

15 Methods for Doing the Cut and Restored Necktie
by Frank Herman

A complete treatise of practical, audience-tested secrets for this hilarious stunt that starts out like a trick gone horriby wrong. More...

15 Minutes With A Piece of Rope
by R. W. Hull

A complete routine that will captivate your audience from start to finish. If you never buy another rope effect, experts agree, this is the one to use! More...

15 Star Card Effects
by Lu Brent

Fifteen excellent pasteboard effects, all easy to perform, by Lu Brent, the top-notch Philadelphia professional. More...

16 Magic Square Mystery
by Robert A. Nelson

Positively the most memorable way to ensure that spectators keep your business card! A feat of super-mentality that will have your spectators talking about you! More...

16 Thumb Tie Gems
by Max Andrews

Play this as comedy, a genuine escape, or part of a dark séance. It's one of the only magic or escape routines that fits all three categories. More...

20 Stunners with a Short Card
by Grant & Whitney

20 card miracles that you can do, updated and given fresh, new life for modern performers and audiences. If you have Grant's "Tricks with a Short Card," you're getting only half the story. This new, revised edition is worthy of its new title, adding 350% MORE content. One of the best values in all of magic. more...

21 Gems of Magic
by Ormond McGill

Ormond McGill, world-famous psychic magic author, presents 21 of his favorite straight magic routines for parlor, club and stage. More...

21 Table Lifting Methods
by S. W. Reilly & B. W. McCarron

Here are 21 clever methods used by mentalists, psychics, magicians and fake mediums to make tables tilt, levitate and dance about the floor. Now updated with a full 21 methods, added illustrations, and More...

25 Methods for Switching Decks
by Floyd D. Brown

Every magician, professional or amateur, needs a sure-fire method of switching decks. With this clever publication, you get 25 of them! This booklet gets high marks from those who know best. More...

26 Living and Dead Tests
by Teral Garrett

Here are 26 tested methods and presentations for performing this terrific psychic demonstration that guarantees audience participation. More...

32 Impromptu Card Tricks
by Arthur Felsman

A vintage collection of fine card effects for magicians of every skill level from this famous Chicago magic dealer and author. More...

33 Deceptions with a Changing Bag
by Charles Sylber & T. A. Whitney

A compendium of 33 clever tricks, ideas and routines that you can do with the change bag. Many are effects that you'd gladly pay upwards of twenty dollars each to obtain, yet they're all assembled here, in one handy collection, ready to be put to use. More...

35 Miracles with a Mirror Glass
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here are 35 miracles you can perform with this most handy magical accessory. More...

35 Rising Card Tricks
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

The spectator's correct card(s), mysteriously levitate from the center of the deck, rising gracefully in the air. 35 methods for performing this beautiful trick. More...

35 Weird and Psychic Effects
by Clettis V. Musson

If you're looking to present something beyond the normal, this outstanding collection of mental and spirit medium effects are ones you'll perform anywhere people gather. More...

37 Effective After Dinner Tricks
by Arthur P. Felsman

An amazing collection of clever after-dinner magic to entertain friends, business associates, and even total strangers. Written by a famous Chicago magic dealer, the effects will be long remembered by your audience. More...

40 New Mental Mysteries
by North Bigbee

40 top rate mental masterpieces with which to astound your audience. Any one of them is worth the price of the book. more...

44 Foolers
by Clettis V. Musson

A gold mine of effects for mentalists, magicians, ghost show artists, manipulators, night club performers, parlor entertainers and stage illusionists. More...

50 No-Sleight Coin Tricks
by U.F. Grant

Grant presents fifty entertaining, clever close-up coin tricks that don't rely on complicated sleight of hand. A book you will like! More...

50 Ways to Produce A Silk
by U.F. Grant & B. W. McCarron

Here are an astounding 50 methods for producing one or more colorful silk scarves in your magic act! Perhaps the most comprehensive collection ever published. More...

52 All Time Best Prop Bets and Bar Stunts
By B. W. McCarron

Don't be a chump! Learn the inside secrets of con artists, cheats and hustlers that have cost others up to $100 each for the privilege of learning these crafty dodges. More...

52 Sealed Message Reading Methods
by Burling Hull

Over $1,200.00 of professional mentalists' secrets are divulged in this illustrated volume, originally released as a limited edition that is now out of print. More...

79 Tricks and Ideas for the Holidays
by William W. Larsen, Sr. & B. W. McCarron

Do you want those extra dates between Thanksgiving and Christmas? Then update and transform your act with one or more of these sparkling suggestions for timely holiday magic. More...

101 Tips for Psychic Entertainers
by Robert A. Nelson

The owner of the Nelson Enterprises reveals a lifetime of professional secrets for mentalists and psychic entertainers in this revised and expanded edition. More...

101 Ways to Make Magic Pay
by Tommy Windsor & B. W. McCarron

A side hustle goldmine! Revised, enlarged and updated handbook for earning extra money from magic. More...

202 Methods of Forcing
by Theo Annemann

The most complete treatise on forcing for cards, numbers, colors, books, words, letters, etc., ever assembled. A must-have book for every magician and mentalist. more...

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