Forbidden Wisdom
by Howard P. Albright
We're delighted to offer this title in a revised and expanded print edition for the first time in years.
Albright reveals a variety of apparent fortune telling methods for magicians and psychic entertainers to delight their after-party clients with.
Note that the various demonstrations involve the use of subtlety and trickery. They are not actual psychic readings, even though they look like it.
The book covers:
Are you a Nelson collector? This book was featured in the Nelson Enterprises catalogs Nos. 19, 20 and 21.
"I unreservedly recommend it to anyone wishing to pursue fortune-telling as an allied art." (Walford Taylor)
"Is worth fifty dollars to a private entertainer who specializes in Mental Magic and all the strange sorcery that accompanies the delving into the past and future." (Sid Lorraine)
Magic World revised edition adds two new chapters.
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