A Complete Course in Stage (Pseudo) Hypnotism
by Robert A. Nelson
Audiences love to witness hypnotic stage acts! This book teaches you how to be a stage hypnotist with your own show! More...

Disguised Hypnosis
by Jason Whiting
This revealing manuscript tells the author's jealously guarded methods for hypnotizing difficult people. Use these techniques to enhance your existing skills, or to add an entertaining stage hypnotism demonstration to your act. More...

Dr. Q's Comedy Hypnotic Act
by Thayer Studios
Imagine being a stage hypnotist, being able to hypnotize a group of audience volunteers and presenting a hilariously funny performance. Now you, too, can do this! More...

How to Book Your Attraction
by Robert A. Nelson
This book will show you, as a clever hypnotist, where and how you can book your show and work every day of the year! There's plenty of work for you, if you know the insider secrets of booking your act in hotels, casinos, cruise ships ... More...

How To Develop an Alarm Clock Mind
by Harry Arons
Now you can be like Jack Reacher, with an innate ability to wake yourself at a time of your choosing, as long as you "set" your internal clock before falling asleep. What an amazing ability! More...

How To Make Money with Hypnotism
by Harry Arons
Learn how to make a career from your interest in hypnotism in this fascinating book, written by a master hypnotist. More...

by Robert A. Nelson
Not genuine hypnotism, but "Hypno-Trix," in which the subject actually believes that he or she has been hypnotized!
Here is a brilliant series of a dozen pseudo-hypnotic stunts that, unknown to the audience, rely on subtle bits of trickery instead of actual hypnotic methods. They appear genuine to the subject, too! More...

Nelmar's Spirit and Hypnotic Tricks
by Anthony Nelmar Albino
Learn to be a stage or parlor hypnotist and present amazing mind-over-matter miracles!
You can apparently hypnotize people so they cannot whistle until you WILL them to! Or cause your pulse to stop beating! (SIX methods described) And many other hypnotic, spirit and "geek" effects ...More...

The Nelson Master Course of Hypnotism
by Robert A. Nelson
Nelson originally wrote this as a correspondence course to sell for $50.00. Now get all lessons, complete in one volume, at a fraction of the original price. more...

Quick Hypnotic Tricks
by Stewart James
Twelve extraordinary, pseudo-hypnotic tricks that can be performed with sensational results by anyone! More...

The Seven Best Techniques for Deepening Hypnosis
By Harry Arons
Advanced techniques to deepen the somnabulic stage of a hypnotized subject from a master of the genre. More...

Stage Hypnotism
by Kermit LeCroix
Make money with your own 90-120 minute stage or platform show of apparent hypnotic miracles. This book tells you how. More...

Stage Hypnotism
by David J. Lustig ("La Vellma")
Now you can learn the inside secrets of the professional stage hypnotist, in this fascinating book by Dunninger's "behind the scenes man," David J. Lustig. Includes the Needle Test, Human Anvil, Fire Test ... More...

Supernormal Powers of Hypnotism
by Ormond McGill
This noted stage performer and hypnotist presents a comparative study of Mesmerism vs Hypnotism, with suggested experiments in the extraordinary powers of the human mind that you, yourself, can try. More...

Vaudeville Hypnotism
by David J. Lustig
You, too, can be a stage hypnotist! A monumental work devoted to the performance of stage hypnotism. More...