![]() by Kermit LeCroix As told to Syl Reilly Contains enough material to present a full 90-120 minute stage or platform show of apparent hypnotic miracles. These demonstrations are awe-inspiring, yet many of the individual tests contain built-in comic relief, which is a proven formula for a most entertaining performance. This handbook contains everything you need to present the act in theatres, night clubs and casino lounges, college campuses and even on live TV. Includes the introductory lecture, selecting the proper audience volunteers, elimination tests (leaving only the most susceptible volunteers on stage), the mechanics of the various demonstrations, patter suggestions, and more. Learn and present the material as a feature in your current magic or mentalism show or make up a separate routine so that you can be a "double threat" with a second act to double your bookings. Contents include:
Magic World revised and updated edition.
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