15 Methods for Doing the Cut and Restored Necktie
by Frank Herman
A complete treatise of practical, audience-tested secrets for this hilarious stunt that starts out like a trick gone horriby wrong. More...

16 Thumb Tie Gems by Max Andrews
Play this as comedy, a genuine escape, or part of a dark séance. It's one of the only magic or escape routines that fits all three categories. More... |

A Magician in the House
By Sid Lorraine
A complete magic act with plenty of laugh lines and situations. No assistant needed. More...

Call the Witness
by Gunther & Fleischman
Rarely does a book come around that's as much fun to read as it is to perform. Here is such a book, with 22 funny, irreverent, off-beat magic and mentalism effects and ideas that are sure to get you noticed. More...

Comedy a la Card
by Karrell Fox
That master of comedy magic, close-up, stand-up, and trade show trickery, Karrell Fox, presents a bushel basket of laugh makers in this collection.More...

Comedy Magic
by George McAthy
Make your existing act even better by adding comedy magic and top-flight laughs that'll score big with any audience. Great material that you will use! More...

The Comedy Magic of Val Andrews by Val Andrews
Val's reputation for first-rate comedy is evident here, as is some great, entertaining magic that will get you bookings and repeat dates. More... |

Comedy Mentalism Volume I
by Robert A. Nelson
Here are 96 pages of top-notch material for mentalists, magicians, and psychic entertainers. There's something here for every performing occasion. More...

Comedy Mentalism Volume II
by Robert A. Nelson
Based on the success of Volume I, here's an even bigger book, crammed with funny bits of business, comedy routines, laugh-out-loud effects and more from Nelson and his friends. Plus: two bonus chapters -- 116 pages in all! More...

Comedy Patter by Tiny Grant
Magicians and emcees can never have enough material -- and that's where this book comes in. Written by one of the funniest men in magic. More... |

Comedy Shirt-Pulling Stunt
by U. F. Grant
A hilarious and mystifying trick for any act where you remove a spectator's shirt without unzipping or unbuttoning his jacket! More...

The Dirty Dealer
By Jules Lenier and B. W. McCarron
An entertaining close-up effect where you attempt to give the spectator a lesson in dirty dealing. It works for you, but always goes wrong when the spectator tries. It gets funnier and funnier, ending with a surprise climax that's sure to be remembered. More...

Dr. Q's Comedy Hypnotic Act
by Thayer Studios
Imagine being a stage hypnotist, being able to hypnotize a group of audience volunteers and presenting a hilariously funny performance. Now you, too, can do this! More...

by Jim Sherman
This book is crammed with 40 entertaining routines, tricks, gags and effects using flash paper and flash bills. Not just tips and suggestions, but actual effects are explained in step-by-step fashion, making them easy to learn and add to your act. More...

Funny Stuff!
by Jimmy Muir
Want to be the life of the party? The one audiences count on for a good laugh? Jimmy Muir reveals how you can, too, with hilarious gags, one-liners, and good-natured heckler-stoppers that you can put to immediate use. More...

"Gee-Whiz" Combination and Encore
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney
Here's a terrific, family-friendly, comedy bill in lemon effect that your audience will love. More...

Grant's Comedy Magic
by U. F. Grant
Turn your ordinary magic performance into something that your audiences will enjoy like no other with this outstanding collection of hilarious magic tricks, funny bits and comic props to liven up any magic routine. More...

How to Pick Pockets
by Eddie Joseph
Here's the book you've been waiting for: one that explains the principle, theory and practice of pickpocketing for magicians. Make a great comedy act! More... |

Jaspernese Thumb Tie
by Jay Marshall
A hilarious, surprising escape stunt. The performer's thumbs are tied with pipe cleaners or twist ties. A spectator secures him tightly, yet the magician can INSTANTLY link his arms around a pillar, pole, chair, linking ring, spectator's waist, etc. Hilariously surprising and funny. More...

King Koko
by Professor Hoffmann
Your audiences will love this amusing farce about a colorful King, his beautiful daughter, her fairy godmother, and the two suitors that are trying to win her hand in marriage. Along the way, 20 magical illusions are performed that add to the enchanting tale. More...

Kornfidentially Yours
by Karrell Fox
Chock full of action gags, comic props, hilarious quickies, plus a few dozen fine tricks with cards and miscellaneous items. More...

Laugh Lines (Vols. 1-8)
by Jimmy Muir
Add comedy to your act with the LAUGH LINES series of professionally-written, hilarious jokes, gags, comic observations, one-liners and opening monologues written especially for magicians, emcees, comedians and other entertainers. More...

Magic That Perks!
by Harry E. Cecil
When an internationally-known funnyman-magician writes a book with his pals, you just know the result will perk you up! And that's just what you'll get with "Magic That Perks" - 140 pages of great magic with comedy patter that your audiences will love. More...

The Magical Pitchman
by William W. Larsen, Sr. & B. W. McCarron
Add variety and comedy to any act with this hilarious presentation, based on the infamous medicine pitch of yesteryear. More...

Not Primigenial
by Roger Montandon & Logan Wait
Liven up your act with 26 laugh-provoking magic and mental effects, stunts and bits of business. Especially good is "It's a Matter of Money," which is based on an Annemann principle that uses paper money. It's one you will want to put in your act right away. more...

Performing Fleas
by George Tollerton
Full routine and presentation of this funny burlesque piece for use by magicians, emcees, comedians, and public speakers. Audiences love it! More...

Pilfered Patter 1.5
by Ken Allen
Those who know comedy recommend Ken Allen's Pilfered Patter as the book to get! Contains loads of comic monologues, one- and two-liners, gags, jokes and funny stories to intersperse during or between effects in your routine. More...

Pretty Sneaky by Don Alan
by Don Alan
Chicago's top close-up performer, bar magician, and TV personality reveals more of his favorite close-up effects in this swell book.

The Real Secret of Ventriloquism
By Harold Sterling & T. A. Whitney
Become a ventriloquist for fun or profit, using the secrets revealed in this easy-to-understand booklet. More...

Repeat Bill Trick
by Tom Bowyer & T. A. Whitney
Here's an entertaining story about a shopaholic who continues to spend (real) money, but somehow manages to leave the store with the same amount of cash she started with. More...

Sandsational Rope
by George Sands
An entire act performed with any piece of rope! Keeps your audience in stitches throughout. More... |

Short and Long Rope Mystery
by Harold Sterling
A hilarious rope effect that gets funnier — and more puzzling — as it goes along. Great for kid shows and corporate audiences, too! More...

Smart Business
by George McAthy
Not just amusing effects, but brilliantly funny comedy magic that's sure to please most any audience. Material for platform and stage performers, kid show entertainers, emcees ... More...

Street Faker Act
by Tommy Windsor
Here's a great change of pace routine for the magician -- an act that parodies the medicine pitchman. Audiences love it . . . you will, too! More...

Stretching A Rope
by Milbourne Christopher
What a fantastic effect! The performer exhibits a three foot length of rope and mysteriously begins to S-T-R-E-T-C-H it to an unbelievable 20 feet. Completely revised, these greatly enlarged instructions include BOTH of Christopher's exclusive methods for stretching a rope to many times its original length. No hidden reels, magnets, or special rope needed. More...

Suitcase Side Show
by Tommy Windsor
Here's an immensely entertaining CARNIVAL PITCH ACT that uses effects you most likely already own. Yes, a NEW act, complete with patter, that will get you more bookings! More...

Telepathy In Action
by Orville Meyer
An incredible demonstration of suggestion and apparent psychic ability. One of the strongest (and funniest) routines you can perform. More...

Thayer's Comedy Crystal Gazing Act
by Wm. W. Larsen, Sr.
Here's the perfect "one man" comedy mentalism act that's great for those occasions when you aren't able to perform your regular show. Or add it as a feature to your regular act! More...

Tips on the Foo Can and Funnel
by Imp Smith
A collection of proven, tested routines using the Foo Can and Comedy Funnel that will liven up any show. More...

Without Mirrors
by Christopher Charles
Here's an excellent assortment of comedy material to spice up your act. Let's face it, audiences love to laugh--and you'll have 'em in stitches with the multitude of one-liners, jokes, patter ideas and parodies found here. more...

The World's Fastest Card Trick
by Joe Karson
A hilarious act where the spectator and the magician seem to be working at cross purposes. A simple take-a-card effect goes seriously wrong, and gets funnier and funnier as the performer tries to straighten it out!