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(Sorted by title)
Finding Your Destiny With Numerology Pitch Book

Finding Your Destiny With Numerology Pitch Book
by Magic World Publishers

Make money and become an instant author, with full reprint rights for print copies of this book with YOUR NAME AS AUTHOR. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you! More...

Fortune Telling with Cards Pitch Book Kit

Fortune Telling with Cards Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for print copies of the "Secrets of the Zingari" book on fortune telling with cards. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want ... More...

Magic Miracles You Can Do by Magic World Publishers

Magic Miracles You Can Do Pitch Book Publishing Kit
by Magic World Publishers

Here's a beautiful, camera-ready 24-page master of easy-to-do, entertaining magic stunts for you to sell at your performances and on your website, with YOUR NAME on the front cover as author! More...

Sir Edwards $100 Horoscope Demonstration Sales Plan by Robert A. Nelson and Sir Edwards

Sir Edwards' $100 Horoscope Demonstration Sales Plan
by Robert A. Nelson & Sir Edwards

One of the rarest of offerings from the Nelson Enterprises catalog is this horoscope pitch act that sold for the equivalent of $1600 when first introduced. More...

Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by Magic World Publishers

Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit
by Magic World Publishers

Sell this pitch book and give private horoscope readings to clients after your performances to double your performance income! It's all included in this easy-to-use system! More...

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