Books on Magic with Coins and Bills

(Sorted by title)

50 No-Sleight Coin Tricks
by U.F. Grant

Grant presents fifty entertaining, clever close-up coin tricks that don't rely on complicated sleight of hand. A book you will like! More...

52 All Time Best Prop Bets and Bar Stunts
By B. W. McCarron

Don't be a chump! Learn the inside secrets of con artists, cheats and hustlers that have cost others up to $100 each for the privilege of learning these crafty dodges. More...

Bill Tear Secrets
by Sam Berland

Perhaps the best torn and restored bill effect the magical world has ever seen. Get this! More...

Bull's-Eye Coin Tricks
by L. L. Ireland & Ed Marlo

Sleight of hand experts Marlo and Ireland team up to present this fine book of magic with coins. More...

The Change-Raisers
by W. M. Tucker

Reveals the inside story on how the con artist forces you or a store, or even a bank teller to hand him too much change. More...

Chinatown Quarter Magic
by "Hen" Fetsch

Leave it to the fertile mind of "Hen" Fetsch to come up with these clever money mysteries with which you can enchant most any audience. More...

Coin and Money Magic
by Eddie Joseph

A complete and extensive volume on coin magic, now released in an updated and expanded edition. A worthwhile addition to every close-up worker's library. More...

Coining Magic
by Ed Marlo

Marlo's coin magic has a wonderful, imaginative quality that audiences love and magicians appreciate. More...

The Dime and Penny
by Lloyd E. Jones

Here's a collection of twenty-five excellent tricks using this excellent piece of mechanical coin magic. Nicely illustrated, too. More...

"Gee-Whiz" Combination and Encore
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a terrific, family-friendly, comedy bill in lemon effect that your audience will love. More...

The Miser's Miracle
by Jerry Andrus

A brilliant close-up miracle with playing cards and coins. Dai Vernon raves: "Entertaining and bewildering." More...

The Nick Trost Coin Trick Collection
by Nick Trost

20 entertaining, impromptu tricks with coins... and no sleight of hand! More...

Not Primigenial
by Roger Montandon & Logan Wait

Liven up your act with 26 laugh-provoking magic and mental effects, stunts and bits of business. Especially good is "It's a Matter of Money," which is based on an Annemann principle that uses paper money. It's one you will want to put in your act right away. more...

Paper Money Magic
by Jean Hugard

Scores of miracles using genuine currency that will be a hit with any audience. Illustrated by Nelson Hahne. More...

The Repeat Bill Trick
by Tom Bowyer & T. A. Whitney

Here's an entertaining story about a shopaholic who continues to spend (real) money, but somehow manages to leave the store with the same amount of cash she started with. More...

Short Changed
by Ralph Mayer

A terrific audience participation effect about a famous carnival and con artist swindle. More...

by Penny Ante Jim

The "inside dope" on the grifter's short-change con, as used by unscrupulous ticket takers, food vendors, carnival workers, clerks -- anywhere money changes hands.

Protect yourself from becoming a victim! Learn the Bar Room Clip, Carnival and Circus Take, Bill Slip-Over and... More...

Still More Exclusive Tricks
by Samuel Berland

Long out of print, here's a second volume of great commercial magic from the fertile mind of Sam Berland ... including several miracles that were each sold separately through magic dealers the world over. more...

Watch This One!
by J. B. Bobo

From the author of Modern Coin Magic, here's more of Bobo's top flight close-up magic that'll get you noticed! More...

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