Livestock Magic

(Magic with rabbits, doves, and other animals — sorted by title)

Between the Acts
by Jimmy Ray

A top-flight pro reveals nearly two dozen of his favorite effects and routines. Commercial magic at its best! More...

Dovetail Deceptions
by Senor Torino

Audiences really sit up and take notice when live animals are involved in a magic act. Night club performer Senor Torino (Tony Kardyro) reveals his complete stage act in this photo-illustrated book. Dove productions, vanishes, transformations and more. More...

Flash Magic
by U. F. Grant & B. W. McCarron

Eight EXCELLENT effects are explained in this updated book — plus a few variations — that you AND your audiences will enjoy. Best of all, most can be made from materials found at discount and dollar stores! More...

Live Magic
by W. O. Turner

Club and stage magic with animals holds a special appeal for any audience. Ten livestock tricks and utilities you can make yourself. More...

The Master Magician's Packet
by Howardi and McCarron

Here's a book of unusual effects for close-up, stage and platform, ranging from Einstein the Psychic Dove to Budget Cuts to Whiskey on the Brain ... and 17 more, besides! More...

Modern Master Magic
by Rudy Roxo

When several of the foremost authors in modern magic collaborate with the owner of one of the most respected magic companies, you just know the result will be a great book. And it is! More...

Sideshow and Animal Tricks
by Hereward Carrington

Step right up, folks! See Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, the Wild Man of Borneo, the Fire-Breathing Man, and that's just for starters! Learn the inner secrets of the sideshow including fire walking, animal training, ventriloquism, special stage effects, and ... More...

Tricks with Hares
by U. F. Grant and Don Tanner

Want to produce a rabbit the easy way? Here are a half dozen of the best methods ever developed, including two revealed for the first time. More...

TV Dove Classics
by Kirk Kirkham

Do you love animals? Do you love magic? Why not combine them into an act that can earn you money and applause? 27 methods revealed. More...

Victory Carton Illusions
by U. F. Grant and Don Tanner

Build and perform your own illusion masterpieces using cardboard cartons that fold flat for carrying. And this book tells you how to get the best cartons free of charge! More...

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