Chinese Magic and Illusions
by U. F. Grant
Twenty creative and beautiful magic effects are explained in this book, ones that will add color and mystery to your act and make an impression on your audience. More... |

The Farmer & The Witch Illusion
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney
Now you, too, can present a stage illusion where two costumed children from the audience exchange places. It's a miracle that your audience will talk about long after the curtain drops. More...

Magic Maestro Please
by Solomon Stein
Whether you perform on the stage, platform, or for more intimate audiences, there's sure to be something you can use in this terrific book. Fourteen effects in all are described, including an incredible stage illusion that you can build yourself in an afternoon. More...

Modern Illusions
by Tom Palmer
Add flash and audience excitement with this collection of award-winning compact stage illusions that you can build. More...

Rapp's Spirit Cabinet Act by Gus Rapp
A series of ghostly and séance stunts take place in this stage cabinet test. Ropes are tied up in knots, messages appear on a blank slate, a starting pistol is fired, heavy chains heard to move, etc. More... |

Rope, Chain and Box Escapes
by U. F. Grant & Don Tanner
New, subtle and unusual methods, effects and illusions in the escape field. Plus how to make money with escapes, getting publicity, performing at fairs, shows, free attractions and... More...

Six Modern Levitations
by U. F. Grant
Here are both the original and modern interpretations of six more Nelson Enterprises treasures: a spectator reads YOUR mind, a trio of psychic tests, So you want to float a lady? Or, for spook shows, a ghost, goblin or witch? Now, here's your chance! More...

Thayer's Twelve Illusionettes
by William W. Larsen
Twelve effective illusionettes you can build yourself to add flash and color to your act. More...

Thayer's Vanish of a Girl
by Wm. W. Larsen, Sr. & Ormond McGill
With this method, you can cause a girl to vanish from a nightclub floor. An illusion deemed impossible -- made possible at last! More...

Theatre of Blood
by Dr. Doom
Make your next Halloween party or haunted house an event to remember!
Dr. Doom reveals secrets of his Theatre of Blood professional haunted house attraction. Illusions, effects, costuming, makeup, sound effects and more are discussed. Everything you need for a successful and scary house of horrors. Newly revised, with nearly 20 pages of new content, including new sections on merchandising, new scenes and attractions and ... More...

Victory Carton Illusions
by Grant & Tanner
Build and perform your own illusion masterpieces using cardboard cartons that fold flat for carrying. And this book tells you how to get the best cartons free of charge! More...