10 Magical After Dinner Stunts
by Harlan Tarbell
Here are ten fun-to-perform mysteries from arguably the best magical artist and instructor on the planet. Easy enough for the beginner, the varied routines will entertain any audience, regardless of the performer's skill level. more...

37 Effective After Dinner Tricks
by Arthur P. Felsman
An amazing collection of clever after-dinner magic to entertain friends, business associates, and even total strangers. Written by a famous Chicago magic dealer, the effects will be long remembered by your audience. More...

50 No-Sleight Coin Tricks
by U.F. Grant
Grant presents fifty entertaining, clever close-up coin tricks that don't rely on complicated sleight of hand. A book you will like! More...

52 All Time Best Prop Bets and Bar Stunts
By B. W. McCarron
Don't be a chump! Learn the inside secrets of con artists, cheats and hustlers that have cost others up to $100 each for the privilege of learning these crafty dodges. More...

A Baker's Dozen Hummers
by Bob Hummer
From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer, comes a baker's dozen mind-blowing mentalism and magic effects using cards and coins. More...

A Practical Lesson in Cups and Balls
by Eddie Joseph
A handbook devoted to a trick that every magician should learn to do: the Cups and Balls. Includes many original moves, ideas and suggestions. More...

After the Dessert
by Martin Gardner
One of magic's greatest minds presents 24 carefully chosen impromptu tricks for the dinner table. More...

Another Dozen Hummers
by Bob Hummer
Here are 12 more unique, mind-blowing Bob Hummer miracles for magicians and mentalists. Includes four separate effects and manuscripts, edited into a single compilation. More...

At the Table
by Neal Elias
This quality volume contains 13 must-have card presentations and sleights, plus a no-sleight effect for the close-up entertainer. Written by a confidant of Ed Marlo, Lin Searles, and other world class card experts. More...

Bartender Dice Routine by Clarke 'Senator' Crandall
A complete manual of dice stacking and manipulation, written especially for use by magicians. More... |

The Blue Bug
by Sid Fleischman and Bob Gunther
A collection of excellent magic with cigarette papers, as used by Doug Henning and others. Well illustrated. More...

Bull's-Eye Coin Tricks
by L. L. Ireland & Ed Marlo
Sleight of hand experts Marlo and Ireland team up to present this fine book of magic with coins. More...

Call the Witness
by Bob Gunther & Sid Fleischman
Rarely does a book come around that's as much fun to read as it is to perform. Here is such a book, with 22 funny, irreverent, off-beat magic and mentalism effects and ideas that are sure to get you noticed. More...