Books on Card Magic

(Sorted by title)

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20 Stunners with a Short Card
by Grant & Whitney

20 card miracles that you can do, updated and given fresh, new life for modern performers and audiences. If you have Grant's "Tricks with a Short Card," you're getting only half the story. This new, revised edition is worthy of its new title, adding 350% MORE content. One of the best values in all of magic. more...

25 Methods for Switching Decks
by Floyd D. Brown

Every magician, professional or amateur, needs a sure-fire method of switching decks. With this clever publication, you get 25 of them! This booklet gets high marks from those who know best. More...

32 Impromptu Card Tricks
by Arthur Felsman

A vintage collection of fine card effects for magicians of every skill level from this famous Chicago magic dealer and author. More...

35 Rising Card Tricks
by U. F. Grant & T. A. Whitney

The spectator's correct card(s), mysteriously levitate from the center of the deck, rising gracefully in the air. 35 methods for performing this beautiful trick. More...

A Baker's Dozen Hummers
by Bob Hummer

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer, comes a baker's dozen mind-blowing mentalism and magic effects using cards and coins. More...

Al Baker's Exclusive $25 Manuscript
by Al Baker

Add to your arsenal of outstanding mental and card effects with this hard to find manuscript from a recognized master of deception. More...

...And a Pack of Cards
by Jack Merlin

Perhaps the greatest book ever produced for the sleight of hand artist with cards. Edited by Jean Hugard. More...

Annemann's Full Deck of Impromptu Card Tricks
by Theo Annemann

A choice collection of 55 impromptu card tricks by outstanding performers such as Dai Vernon, Al Baker, Jean Hugard, Bob Hummer, and others. More...

Annemann's Mental Mysteries
by Theo Annemann

No matter if your specialty is magic or psychic entertainment (or a combination of both, like Annemann), you're sure to find something you like in this hard-to-find quintet. More...

Annemann's Miracles of Card Magic
by Theo Annemann

Contains 60 headline card effects and suggestions from the repertoires of outstanding performers. Illustrated by Nelson Hahne. More...

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